Event Date
This workshop's focus is to critically reflect as well as practice crafting syllabi with an eye towards equity. By critically examining and practicing syllabus design, participants will gain the knowledge and tools to make impactful as well as equitable learning experiences. Syllabi are both equity tools as well as a first impression to a course, making it imperative to maximize syllabus impact effectiveness. Designed for participants at any level, either bring your own draft syllabus (if you have one) or a syllabus you’d want to reflect on from a course you’ve TA’ed. After completing this workshop, participants should come away with tangible key reflections to help modify and implement successful equitable changes in one's syllabi as well as provide space to actively practice and cultivate the habit of equity-mindedness as an educator.
Facilitators: Daisy Underhill (Philosophy) and Mark Feng (Ethnomusicology).