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Project Helping Instructors Improve Accessibility

“As you can see from this slide …” may not be an uncommon expression used at lecterns to introduce an image.

But in classrooms or online, not every student may be able to see what’s on a screen well enough — or even at all — to learn from it.

Combining Grading Efficiency with Effective Assessment

When looking for ways to efficiently evaluate student work, instructors can modify their assessments to streamline grading and feedback, while ensuring that the assessment supports student learning. This resource provides guidance and strategies for combining grading efficiency and effective assessment. To frame our discussion, we begin with some guidelines for grading in ways that are efficient for instructors while promoting learning.

PACE4Equity Participant Reflections

Past participants of CEE's PACE4Equity (Program-level Assessment Capacity Enrichment for Equity) program reflect on their experience in the program. 

Graduate Teaching Community Reflections: Spring 2023


Members of the Graduate Teaching Community reflected on the following prompt at the conclusion of the Spring 2023 quarter, which focused on active learning and inclusive classrooms:  How has participating in the Graduate Teaching Community (GTC) this quarter shaped your thinking about teaching?

James Hughes, Mathematics

Faculty Spotlight

When Dr. Bwalya Lungu, Department of Food Science and Technology, wanted to explore ways to learn more about the student learning experience in her large-enrollment classes, she turned to Undergraduate Education’s Learning, Teaching, and Assessment (LTA) for the use of mid-quarter inquiry surveys (MQIs). In this blog interview and post, we learn more about Dr. Lungu, her approach to teaching and learning, and her use of MQIs.

GTC Graduate Teaching Community Reflections

Members of the Graduate Teaching Community reflected on the following prompt at the conclusion of the Spring 2022 quarter: How has participating in the Graduate Teaching Community (GTC) this quarter shaped your thinking about teaching?

Eli Moore, Applied Mathematics 

This quarter in the GTC, we tackled three central topics: grading & assessment, student mental health, and equity & inclusion.

GTC Graduate Teaching Community Reflections


Members of the Graduate Teaching Community reflected on the following prompt at the conclusion of the Fall 2021 quarter:  How has reading and discussing Relationship-Rich Education by Peter Felten and Leo M. Lambert impacted your thinking about the role of relationships in the classroom?

End of Quarter Remote Learning Survey

We asked undergraduate students about their experiences with remote learning in Spring 2020. We are compiling a report to help instructors and support programs prepare for summer and fall. In the meantime, you can see students’ advice for other students here. Instructors can view some preliminary results at the Know Your Students website.