Writing a Teaching Statement and Diversity Statement for the Academic Job Market

Most academic job applications require a teaching statement (also called a Statement of Teaching Philosophy), and many also require a diversity statement. In writing these documents, candidates must reflect on their teaching practices and consider how they advance diversity, equity, and inclusion through their work.
To support graduate students and postdoctoral scholars who are preparing for the academic job market, the Teaching Assistant Consultant (TAC) Fellows have developed self-paced modules which provide an overview of what a teaching statement and diversity statement entail, strategies that candidates can use to write compelling statements, and criteria that can be used to assess these documents.
The link below will allow you to self-enroll in the modules, which are housed in Canvas. If you would like to get feedback on your teaching statement or diversity statement, you can request a consultation with one of the TAC Fellows.
Access the Teaching Statement and Diversity Statement Modules