End of Quarter Remote Learning Survey

We asked undergraduate students about their experiences with remote learning in Spring 2020. We are compiling a report to help instructors and support programs prepare for summer and fall. In the meantime, you can see students’ advice for other students here. Instructors can view some preliminary results at the Know Your Students website.

Partners and goals

While we are all wondering how best to help students, each of the partners in this survey has different specific goals. Here are some of the key questions each of us is asking.

  • Center for Educational Effectiveness - What teaching methods worked best in the remote environment and how did remote learning impact inclusion?
  • Student Disability Center - How were accommodations and the experiences of disabled students affected by remote learning?
  • Counseling Services -  What counseling services would students find most helpful now?
  • Global Learning - What kinds of remote global learning experiences would interest students?
  • Life as an Aggie - Ongoing study of how to help UC Davis students feel connected to each other and the university.


For more information about this study contact tifjohnson@ucdavis.edu or mimotika@ucdavis.edu.