Position Title
TA Consultant
My research examines the transition from K-12 to higher education, focusing on disparities in access and attainment, particularly among Latine students. I study how school context influences students' K-12 experiences and postsecondary decisions.
My teaching career began in K-12 classrooms and has evolved to higher education, where I’ve worked as a Teaching Assistant in various courses. As a sociologist of education, I am committed to understanding social stratification, inequality, opportunity, and mobility. I see my role as a Graduate Student Instructor as essential for supporting students' academic and professional growth. Over the years, participating in CEE workshops has been a key part of my development as an educator, and I’m excited to continue learning and sharing as a TAC this year.
Outside academics, I enjoy outdoor activities, sports, and exploring new places. I’m also (relatively) new to the Davis/Sacramento area and would love recommendations for local spots!